survey #2, decision factor....
haha, since last survey, many forum members email/qqh me as regarding to TZLC project, haha, there is no such project yet, or at least at the national level, but I know there are few that are going at the local levels..
as someone said, 投壇大多數人都是小本經營的小農經濟, that is very true, including myself. many time we see highly potentiality projects but limited to one's own resources, had to pass away such deal which can yield 50% gain.
so here is survey #2, what is the decision foactor, if you ever interest in participate in such group project?
perimeter of the group project, lets say, it be a MFU apartment complex, with 30% minimum discount compare to market, area will be TX. at this point, we are not considering amount of money need to invest. exist strategy be, sell out or refi after 5 years, if refi, partners can choose to sell their shares or continue in partnership.
1. not interest in it at all.
2. interest in it if with guanrantee rate of return plus profit sharing.
3. interest in it if partnership offers guanrantee buy back after 5 years.