初次買房,沒有用買方經紀。周末看中一房,晚上口頭給了賣方經紀offer。今早賣方經紀致電說準備了一份offer letter form, 要買方簽了才去跟房主報offer。我們應該簽這份offer letter還是用自己的offer letter呢?謝謝指點!
初次買房,沒有用買方經紀。周末看中一房,晚上口頭給了賣方經紀offer。今早賣方經紀致電說準備了一份offer letter form, 要買方簽了才去跟房主報offer。我們應該簽這份offer letter還是用自己的offer letter呢?謝謝指點!
• Congratulations! Follow whatever has been given, -古石- ♂ (278 bytes) () 04/23/2012 postreply 18:11:54
• 謝謝古石回複,請問 -OctoberOpal- ♀ (202 bytes) () 04/23/2012 postreply 18:33:33
• Don't try to lower agent's commision by youself. But lower the e -古石- ♂ (284 bytes) () 04/23/2012 postreply 18:37:24
• Only lower your offering price to your comfortable zone. -古石- ♂ (0 bytes) () 04/23/2012 postreply 18:38:18
• Our offer is within our comfort zone. We didn't even expect the -OctoberOpal- ♀ (266 bytes) () 04/23/2012 postreply 18:47:00
• Thanks again, Gu-shi! Is Binder the same as Offer Letter? -OctoberOpal- ♀ (270 bytes) () 04/23/2012 postreply 18:42:03
• 相信你的agent,然後直接詢問。 -古石- ♂ (291 bytes) () 04/23/2012 postreply 21:03:25
• 他要你簽的是標準格式的合約。因外你不懂所以要非常小心。給你個網站看看。最好完全搞懂再下手。 -好女婿壞女婿- ♀ (406 bytes) () 04/23/2012 postreply 18:22:37
• 簽offer就是簽合約,買方簽完給賣方簽。雙方簽完,合約就生效了,有約束力了。 -好女婿壞女婿- ♀ (0 bytes) () 04/23/2012 postreply 18:33:24
• 謝謝你的信息,有時候確實覺得不作為的買方經紀可有可無。 -OctoberOpal- ♀ (0 bytes) () 04/23/2012 postreply 18:48:48
• find a contract lawer to help you to buy a house, costs you $300 -Tianyazi- ♂ (0 bytes) () 04/23/2012 postreply 19:09:09
• I asked around in NYC, usually real estate attorney charges -OctoberOpal- ♀ (413 bytes) () 04/23/2012 postreply 19:14:22
• ask 3 lawers to compare the price, it is cheaper than agent if y -Tianyazi- ♂ (0 bytes) () 04/23/2012 postreply 19:27:01
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