One really has to ask: what is the other side of

of currency collapse?

Investment is all about philosophy. So the philosophy of today's invetment strategy is that: Government Debt (and private debt) can not go up forever. Someday, there will be no buyer of treasury. One can only hope that "someday" is not tomorrow.

So in the event of high / hyper inflation:

1, 你的貸款是30年的,還是5年,7年arm,甚至浮動利率?現在是不是為了預防萬一轉成30年?

Lock your rate to 15/30 years.

2, 利率漲了,房價按說也會漲。但這次危機是美國史上包括29前所未有的房地產大崩盤,衝擊前所未有,銀行超小心,所以房價到那時真會漲嗎?如果本來就沒怎麽漲,加上高利率,房價真會漲嗎?

That is highly debatable. What is the real purchasing power of housing under hyperinflation even the nominal value of the housing goes up?

But onething for sure, real estate like every physical assets, can keep value, no matter how long it will take. The questions, can one keep it during those years?

(p.s. how many Jewish people kept there real estates holding from weimar republic after WWII?

In this era, what happens if there would be a Sino-US war? Not very possible but not entirely impossible.)

3, 通脹租金能漲,但人們工資漲的過租金嗎?如果沒有,怎麽漲租金?租金高了會不會不好租了?

Dream about rate of salary rise would be higher that rent rise. High inflation depress business profit so they will layoff people to cut cost. Unemployment rate will rise. So rent can rise due to everything else rises but vacancy rate will be much higher. People cut corners to buy food and energy first.

The final question is what is on the otherside of hyperinflation? That takes time to do research and answer can be anything from impossible to doomsday scenario or something in between.


喜歡這樣有危機感的分析,謝謝。 -SunshineInCA- 給 SunshineInCA 發送悄悄話 (301 bytes) () 04/09/2012 postreply 21:15:38
