the only right way to do be....
1. after she move to 3 bedroom, you should deducted all damages from her previous deposit, and transfer the remaining, if you try to be nice, you can wave additional deposits.
2. time is the essences, you need to notify her in writing, that all repair much finished within reasonable time, usually 15 days after move out, or you reserve the rights to deduction all expenses from her deposit.
3. you should not wait till she move out to deduct damage and repair expenses, most states has specify status regarding deposit refund, for example, Indiana is within 45 days, counting from the day she given her forwarding address, you must either provide tenant a itemized list deductions or issue a full refund. in your case, the new address is your other apartment, so basically must be 45 days after she move in. if you pass the 45 days, you must refund full deposit, or may face up to 3x penalty.
the only right way to do...
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