
來源: 檸檬椰子汁 2023-07-12 07:24:44 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1401 bytes)
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Your friend's first priority is to contact either next of kin or his wife to clear out his stuff by end of July.   I would contact the next to kin and the wife to make sure his stuff is moved out by 7/31.   I suppose you have 1 month deposit, so financially you won't be in the negative until 8/30.  

But keep these things in mind: 這些要點不是要你一定做,而是知道什麽是底線。

1.  Before he's officially divorced, his wife is his legal heir, and a legal heir has rights to all his belongings.

2.  His estate (遺產)is responsible for the rent until his stuff is cleared out.  Assuming he paid his rent for July, and if his stuff is not cleared out by 7/31, his estate would owe your friend rent.   By then your friend is a creditor to his estate.  In the probate court (繼承法庭)proceeding, your friend can ask for lost rent if his stuff is not moved out before his last rent period. 

3.  Strictly, the security deposit cannot be used for lost rent for many states, and you are supposed to return the deposit to his estate account.  But in reality please do what is reasonable.  Maybe keeping the deposit if they didn't clear out by 8/30 is also an option, as long as both sides agree. 




非常感謝!現在警察還在調查(房子是事發地)我朋友不知道誰同意以後,何時可以開始應該清理房子。7月房租付了的 -BirdAndFish- 給 BirdAndFish 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/12/2023 postreply 08:25:43



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