Picanha Steak or Sirloin Cap is more flavorful

This cut is far more flavorful than tenderloin.  It is considered the best taste in the Brazilian Churrascaria.


If you have Sous Vide device, cook this with Sous Vide method then torches the surface or sears in very hot wrought iron pan for the final step.

Reddit Sous Vide forum has a lot of posts on how to cook it.


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試一下Alton Brown的 -甜酒甜- 給 甜酒甜 發送悄悄話 甜酒甜 的博客首頁 (270 bytes) () 01/25/2024 postreply 17:51:14

識貨!我是自己用上好的Balsamic 醋加 maple syrup 熬出濃縮的glaze這個可以控製喜歡的甜度 -goingplaces- 給 goingplaces 發送悄悄話 (221 bytes) () 01/26/2024 postreply 10:53:02

不複雜 要有Sous Vide 棒溫度調準 時間set 好 牛排在袋子裏慢慢煮 水浴法 -goingplaces- 給 goingplaces 發送悄悄話 (383 bytes) () 01/26/2024 postreply 11:08:21

Sous Vide 棒 -goingplaces- 給 goingplaces 發送悄悄話 (3821 bytes) () 01/26/2024 postreply 11:35:08
