It is the same methods developed with physics, chemistry and biology applied to the human body. It doesn't have its own fundamental theories. Or perhaps it does while I am ignorant about it. Chinese medicine really offers its own theory and methodology. It perhaps overlooks many things producing the physiology of the human body but it has its particular insights too. No way one can develop acupuncture without the guidance of a theory but by randomly sticking needles into the body and wait for its reaction.
Chinese medicine feels like a top-down approach while western medicine a bottom-up.
Is it not the most obvious that the only honest approach is to take from each of these disciplines in order to heal patients?
石凳解釋了熱情反中醫者的動機並非出於科學,但我還是不明白他們的心態: 自恨到這個程度起碼很尷尬啊。