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Then, with stonebench's criterion but my terminology, 義 is powered by the Will /願/願力/意誌, 利 is powered by desire/欲.

An empire with though less sophisticated culture and fewer higher pursuits, at its beginning, still has some vision, which is the Will to create. It is a quality above the desire driven 利 . Therefore, it is still a form of 義, though limited. Yet precisely due to the lack of a more sophisticated culture and higher pursuits, once the empire is founded, it slips into 利 more rapidly.

This explains stonebench's account of 蒙元.

In my terms, a nation falls alongside the weakening of the Will.




This phenomenon is observed in other fields of human activities too.

In the arts, only a true genius has a never weakening Will. A true genius is a truly free mind, and is forever self-renewing. But this is in general against human nature. Accounting for this, Schopenhauer recognized a genius as "unnatural".










利者義之和 -一燈可除千年暗- 給 一燈可除千年暗 發送悄悄話 一燈可除千年暗 的博客首頁 (998 bytes) () 03/19/2022 postreply 13:25:48

易經過於抽象,可以如此具像化: 勢者利之和,利者義之融。 -yfz9465- 給 yfz9465 發送悄悄話 yfz9465 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/19/2022 postreply 13:50:38

如果中國能崛起,那它一定是文明方式的崛起。而不是簡單的勢力崛起。 -yfz9465- 給 yfz9465 發送悄悄話 yfz9465 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/19/2022 postreply 13:54:52

對,一直在考慮王道和霸道 ... -一燈可除千年暗- 給 一燈可除千年暗 發送悄悄話 一燈可除千年暗 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/19/2022 postreply 14:49:32

Indeed, it must be a consequence of the rise of the Will -中間小謝- 給 中間小謝 發送悄悄話 (204 bytes) () 03/19/2022 postreply 15:55:46

元者善之長,亨者嘉之會,利者義之和,貞者事之幹 -一燈可除千年暗- 給 一燈可除千年暗 發送悄悄話 一燈可除千年暗 的博客首頁 (1118 bytes) () 03/19/2022 postreply 14:49:06

俺的理解,易與老子中的利與利益的利並不完全相同 -stonebench- 給 stonebench 發送悄悄話 stonebench 的博客首頁 (164 bytes) () 03/19/2022 postreply 21:08:45

同意, 中文一字多用,所以討論前要下個定義(界定)才好。 -danxiaoya- 給 danxiaoya 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/20/2022 postreply 11:45:33

小謝君的思辨很有意思 -是則非- 給 是則非 發送悄悄話 (566 bytes) () 03/19/2022 postreply 14:19:55

This fills a whole book. -中間小謝- 給 中間小謝 發送悄悄話 (174 bytes) () 03/19/2022 postreply 15:44:11

有道理。我們都受石板凳的啟發,啟發我們怎麽侃大山:) -莊文雅- 給 莊文雅 發送悄悄話 莊文雅 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/19/2022 postreply 16:50:20

互啟 -stonebench- 給 stonebench 發送悄悄話 stonebench 的博客首頁 (183 bytes) () 03/19/2022 postreply 21:23:50



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