【人間情色】 等她來 - Wait for her: Mahmoud Darwish

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在春天的夜晚 芬芳的玫瑰叢中,等待她的到來

懷著為了進入大山而訓練的馬的耐心, 等她到來











等她來,讓她呼吸這樣的空氣, 對她來說 這是如此的新鮮不同





把她帶上陽台 看月亮淹沒在牛奶一樣的星光裏



等她來 等她把酒杯放在大理石台麵上 輕柔地

撫摸她的手 就像是清風帶來露水 等她來

跟她交談 如笛子撫慰受驚的琴弦


等她來 一環一環 把她的夜晚擦亮

等她來 直到夜晚告訴你:

這個世界隻剩下你們兩個 再無他人

在那個時候 溫柔地牽引她 走向

你所向往的 欲仙欲死的終點




Wait for Her

With an azure drinking cup studded with lapis, wait for her

In the evening at the spring, among perfumed roses, wait for her

With the patience of a horse trained for mountains, wait for her

With the distinctive, aesthetic taste of a prince, wait for her

With seven pillows stuffed with light clouds, wait for her

With strands of womanly incense wafting, wait for her

With the manly scent of sandalwood on horseback, wait for her

Wait for her and do not rush.


If she arrives late, wait for her.

If she arrives early, wait for her.

Do not frighten the birds in her braided hair.

Wait for her to sit in a garden at the peak of its flowering.

Wait for her so that she may breathe this air, so strange to her heart.

Wait for her to lift her garment from her calf, cloud by cloud.

And wait for her.


Take her to the balcony to watch the moon drowning in milk.

Wait for her and offer her water before wine.

Do not glance at the twin partridges sleeping on her chest.

Wait and gently touch her hand as she sets a cup on marble.

As if you are carrying the dew for her, wait.

Speak to her as a flute would to a frightened violin string,

as if you knew what tomorrow would bring.

Wait, and polish the night for her ring by ring.

Wait for her until Night speaks to you thus:

There is no one alive but the two of you.

So take her gently to the death you so desire,

and wait.

https://allpoetry.com/poem/11530904-Wait-for-her---Mahmoud-Darwish--by-Poignant-Letters ,Mahmoud Darwish's poem translated © 7 years ago, Noor Al Rahbi )








剛讀了茶兄的反駁情色的帖子,cannot agree more。 -cxyz- 給 cxyz 發送悄悄話 cxyz 的博客首頁 (633 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 05:37:25

agreed, 性可以買但真情則不能:) -AP33912- 給 AP33912 發送悄悄話 AP33912 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 06:18:00

+1 所以說真情最難得,這個真情不一定有性體現 -cxyz- 給 cxyz 發送悄悄話 cxyz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 06:55:30

真是情詩啊!纏綿繾綣! -applebee3- 給 applebee3 發送悄悄話 applebee3 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 06:00:27

:) -cxyz- 給 cxyz 發送悄悄話 cxyz 的博客首頁 (208 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 06:06:25

這種由情至性是最好的,別人看了也享受。:)我今天真的早起,早安!小C。 -applebee3- 給 applebee3 發送悄悄話 applebee3 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 06:09:38

早安蘋果! 我在東部,又睡不了懶覺,所以對我來說是正常時間。 -cxyz- 給 cxyz 發送悄悄話 cxyz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 06:53:57

等她來,從白天等到黑夜,終於等到欲仙欲死的終極:) -浮雲馳- 給 浮雲馳 發送悄悄話 浮雲馳 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 06:32:52

:D -cxyz- 給 cxyz 發送悄悄話 cxyz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 06:41:28

很美,很。。。有耐心啊。:) -塵凡無憂- 給 塵凡無憂 發送悄悄話 塵凡無憂 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 06:36:31

耐心是必須的,要細嚼慢咽,好飯不怕晚 :D -cxyz- 給 cxyz 發送悄悄話 cxyz 的博客首頁 (156 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 06:45:57

哇,這詩寫得真好,欲仙欲死的終點,有個性,讚! -平等性- 給 平等性 發送悄悄話 平等性 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 06:44:56

:) -cxyz- 給 cxyz 發送悄悄話 cxyz 的博客首頁 (167 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 06:52:16

天哪!這麽美的詩!原詩和譯詩都非常美! -WXCTEATIME- 給 WXCTEATIME 發送悄悄話 WXCTEATIME 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 08:20:29

謝謝茶兄。讀了你的活動貼了。 -cxyz- 給 cxyz 發送悄悄話 cxyz 的博客首頁 (128 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 08:24:46

:)於我心有戚戚焉!:)妙。 -WXCTEATIME- 給 WXCTEATIME 發送悄悄話 WXCTEATIME 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 08:42:24

這個。。學習了。:) -東風再起- 給 東風再起 發送悄悄話 東風再起 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 08:20:47

看來是個好學生 :D 謝謝東風。 -cxyz- 給 cxyz 發送悄悄話 cxyz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 08:25:39

非常棒哎! -FionaRawson- 給 FionaRawson 發送悄悄話 FionaRawson 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 08:42:17

謝謝Fiona! -cxyz- 給 cxyz 發送悄悄話 cxyz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 13:03:00

情意綿綿,美哉! -可能成功的P- 給 可能成功的P 發送悄悄話 可能成功的P 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 09:22:20

謝謝P! -cxyz- 給 cxyz 發送悄悄話 cxyz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 13:03:21

突然覺得小c認識大阪城的姑娘呢,帶著你的嫁裝,騎著那馬車來。。。 -kirn- 給 kirn 發送悄悄話 kirn 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2022 postreply 14:05:46
