問題一:“當前被廣泛使用的(讀者你多半也用過的) COVID19 PCR test 目前還隻是在EUA階段,並沒有獲得正式批準。”請問這個命題是真是假?
(答案是 Yes.)
問題二:“PCR 的結果就是陽性或者陰性兩種。”
(答案是 No.)
- 起訴書——起訴、叔?
在說正文之前,先說明一下,今天這一期之所以講到這個PCR test,是因為看了美國前線醫生聯盟(America's Frontline Doctor's, ETC.)去年對CDC,FDA,以及DHHS這些機構的起訴書。裏麵提到了大家目前常用來判定“陽性”與否的這個PCR test存在的嚴重問題(問題CDC自己知道,下麵會引用福奇的話)。
這個起訴書是2021年7/19正式filed 的,我目前隻有正式文檔的pdf,沒有鏈接(但是我會給大家看截圖)。我倒是找到了去年五月份他們的一個初稿鏈接,內容有很多相似的,不完全一樣。初稿鏈接在此
- 還在EUA?
吃驚嗎?目前被那麽多人用過的(很多人還測了不止一次)的PCR test,還是在EUA 階段。不信你google一下:
也就是說:The PCR tests are themselves experimental products. 最諷刺的是,PCR test 製造商們,他們自己對這個產品是做的這樣的聲明:"FDA has not determined that the test is safe or effective for the detection of SARS-Co-V-2.”
製造商們自己甚至還說:"The PCR tests should NOT be used to diagnose COVID-19."
連發明這個test的人,自己也說了:"... such tests are not appropriate for diagnosing disease."
- CT 值
老實說啊,人家發明這個test的人沒錯,因為這個test 的結果並不是“陽性”或者“陰性”,像大家想象得那麽非黑即白。你要看它具體的CT值才可以。什麽是CT 值呢?
Cycle Threshold Value (“CT value”) is essentially the number of times that a sample (usually from a nasal swab) is magnified or amplified before a fragment of
viral RNA is detected.
注意,這個 CT 值是呈指數增長的!所以CT = 40 就意味著,你的sample必須被 amplify 將近 a trillion 倍,才能被監測到。 CT 值越高,具有完整且有活性的病毒RNA鏈的可能性,就越低。
那對於新冠,這個CT值定的是多少?咱們先看看研究結果:A study funded by the French government showed that even at 35-cycles, the false positivity rate is as high as 97%. 當你把 CT 值定在35的時候,假陽性率竟然高達 97%.
Despite this, a majority of the PCR tests for COVID-19 deployed under EUAs in the United States are run at 35-45 cycles in accordance with manufacturer instructions. Under the EUAs issued by the FDA, there is no flexibility to depart
from the manufacturer’s instructions and change the way in which the test is administered or interpreted.
現在大家看,the chart below shows that all major PCR tests in use in the United States are run at cycles of up to 35 or higher.
我無語了,真的。想想疫情期間,甚至現在,每天有多少人通過這個PCR test來評估“疫情的嚴重程度”,而事實上,如果上麵那個法國政府資助的研究是正確的,97%以上都是假陽性。
當前的情況是:The CT value is the number of cycles necessary to spot the virus; PCR machines stop running at that point. If a positive signal isn't seen after 37 to 40 cycles, the test is negative...
但是呢,La Scola and his colleagues found that 70% of samples with CT values of 25 or below could be cultured, compared with less than 3% of the cases with CT values above 35.
隻有3%的能被cultured,這和上麵的假陽性率 97%, 是不是一致的啊?鏈接如下:
這也是為何到現在為止,作者還從未測過一次covid. 包括之前所有人在網上訂購“免費的”test kit時,不訂。不需要。不 care. 不給它貢獻數據。