SAP 9星智力題 Super time space boxes

There are two super time space boxes, In one box, the time is sqrt(2) times fast of the time out of it. In the other box, the time is sqrt(3) times fast of the time out of it. You have two straight sticks, each is 1 meter long, and have two ants, they move at same speed. (Be aware, an ant seems faster when it is in a box.) The boxes are transparent, and you can make accurate comparison on distance which ants have moved between sticks even in different boxes. How to find 1/3 meter length? How to find 1/5 meter length?
----Designed by Hansen Chen in 2010( )

There is no limitation on boxes’ size (you can enter a box if you want). You can mark the sticks. You are not allow to break them. You can do anything reasonable, for example: put a part of stick in one box, and put the rest of it in the other box.


回複:SAP 9星智力題 Super time space boxes -sunglowlee- 給 sunglowlee 發送悄悄話 (864 bytes) () 04/16/2010 postreply 20:10:22

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