Can we further discuss?

The question is also about what strategy to choose. So I would rather not assume nobody can choose to miss.

I might well be wrong, but my calculation is that the right move for A the first shot is to miss. (If he shoots C dead, and B starts to shoot him, he only has 15/15+50 likelihood to survive. It is better to let B make his try first.)

If we take this into consideration, A first misses, B tries to shoot C and if given the chance C shoots B, so on so forth.

There is some correction needed to my post. So

Case 1: %50 C dead first after A's 100% miss and B's 50%. A's overall survival probability in this case is then 50% * (3/3+3.5) = 23.1% and B is 50%-23.1%=26.9%

Case 2: %50 C survives the first round. B is then 100% dead. A's overall survival p in this case is then 50%*30%=15% and C is 50%-15%=35%.

Overall, A survives 38.1%, B is 26.9% and C is 35%.


回複:Can we further discuss? -guest007- 給 guest007 發送悄悄話 (15 bytes) () 01/31/2010 postreply 18:26:01
