Unless they are all smart enough to be trustworthy (in this case they all survive by missing all shots. Obviously none of them gets the lady, so pointless too), the survival probability is:
Case 1: %80 C dead first after A's 30% and B's 50%. A's survival probability here is then 80% * (3/3+3.5) = 36.9% and B is 80%-36.9%=43.1%
Case 2: %20 C survives the first round. B is then 100% dead. A's survival p here is 20%*30%=6% and C is 20%-6%=14%.
Overall, A survives 42.9%, B is 43.1% and C is 14%.
Ironic but truthful in life.
Hopefully not addingconfusion -- Q3 with strategy
• 回複:Hopefully not addingconfusion -- Q3 with strategy -guest007- ♀ (380 bytes) () 01/30/2010 postreply 21:10:43
• Can we further discuss? -FirstReply- ♂ (920 bytes) () 01/31/2010 postreply 18:22:21
• 回複:Can we further discuss? -guest007- ♀ (15 bytes) () 01/31/2010 postreply 18:26:01