我非常同意現在是模仿階段,真正real life裏英語語調是非常靈活的。如果你這個 This is a dog是個更長,更複雜的句子,能產生的語調會更多更多。
象Our class has a meeting after lunch一句,你說class,meeting和lunch的時候語調升上來了,原來我學的是,因為這三個詞是content words,所以比較stressed。所以在這裏你說的語調其實,我覺得是stress。
但是到:Do you want to study together for the exam? 一般問句的時候,這個語調最後升上來是靠的象SUV說的 raise pitch實現的。
我剛查了查Ann Cook的說法,我腳的她說的很好。她說:There are three ways to make intonation.
1. The first way is to just get louder or raise the volume.這裏的volume,我覺得就是pitch(音高?)她給的例子:
I didn't say! he stole the money.
2. The second way is to streeeetch the word out or lengthen the word that you want to draw attention to. 這種做法我覺得就是給一個詞以stress。
I didn't saaaaay he stole the money.
3. The third way is to change pitch.這個我腳的Ann Cook解釋的不是很好,這個change pitch其實是我們說的升調和降調。