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 The wind ,the rain ,the sheep on the prairie.
草原的花,草原的水,草原的姑娘 .

The flower ,the  water , the  girl on the prairie.
啊,卓瑪,啊,卓瑪,草原上的姑娘卓瑪啦 .

Oh,Drolma, a pretty  girl  on the prairie.
女:你有一個花的名字 美麗姑娘卓瑪啦 

You’ve  got a name so  beautiful as a flower, my pretty girl, Drolma.

You ‘ve  got a smile so pretty as a flower, oh, my beautiful girl Drolma.
你像一隻自由的小鳥哇歌唱在那草原上 .

You’re like a carefree little bird singing over  the prairie.
你像春天飛舞的彩蝶哦閃爍在那花叢中 .

You’re like a multi- coloured fluttering butterfly of spring  ,glistering among the flowers.
哈啊~卓瑪,草原上的格桑花 .

Oh,Drolma,   the gesang flower on the prairie.
你把歌聲獻給雪山哦養育你的雪山 .

You devote your singing to the snow mountain,  where  you ‘ve been nurtured.

你把美麗獻給草原,養育你的草原 .

You devote your  beauty to the prairie,  where  you ‘ve been fostered.
男:啊,卓瑪,啊,卓瑪,草原上的姑娘卓瑪啦 .

Oh,Drolma,  a pretty girl on the prairie.

女:你有一個花的名字 美麗姑娘卓瑪啦 .

You ‘ve  got a name so  beautiful as a flower, my pretty girl, Drolma.
你有一個花的笑容哦美麗姑娘卓瑪啦 .

You ‘ve  got a smile so pretty as a flower, oh my beautiful girl Drolma.
你像一杯甘甜的美酒哇醉了太陽醉了月亮 .

You’re a cup of sweet –flavorful wine, which inebriates the sun and the moon.

你像一支悠揚的牧歌哦美了雪山美了草原 .

You ‘re a melodious pastoral, which prettifies the snow mountain and  the prairie.
哈啊~卓瑪,草原上的格桑花 .

Oh,Drolma, the gesang flower on the prairie.

你把歌聲獻給雪山哦養育你的雪山 .

You devote your singing to the snow mountain,  where  you’ve been nurtured.

你把美麗獻給草原,養育你的草原 .

You devote your beauty to the prairie,  where you ‘ve  been  fostered.
你把歌聲獻給雪山哦養育你的雪山 .

You devote your singing to  the snow mountain,  where  you ‘ve been  nurtured.

你把美麗獻給草原,養育你的草原 .

You devote your  beauty to the  prairie, where  you’ve been  fostered.

男:啊,卓瑪,啊,卓瑪 .

Oh, Drolma, Oh ,Drolma.

Oh, Drolma, Oh, Drolma.



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    Thank you for 英譯歌曲【卓瑪】. Have a nice week. -婉蕠- 給 婉蕠 發送悄悄話 婉蕠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/21/2010 postreply 10:26:39

    感謝班主鼓勵. -清衣江- 給 清衣江 發送悄悄話 清衣江 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/21/2010 postreply 20:29:35
