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回答: 給紫君的兒歌bearsback2010-02-20 12:20:16

marygo詩人,你的詩作讓我想起了[Butterfly Waltz], 送給你,願你永遠快樂幸福,好詩不斷.

Piano:Butterfly Waltz
Artist: Brian Crain
Album:A Simple Life

A Simple Life Review
Author:Kathy Parsons

"A Simple Life" is Brian Crain's fourth album, and is stunning in its uncluttered beauty. Gentle, heartfelt piano pieces with synth accompaniment envelop the listener in soothing warmth. Crain's music works so well partly due to its total lack of pretentiousness. It is simple, direct, and honest. I can't help but think he must be one exceptionally nice guy. It is not surprising to learn that Crain has done work in film scoring - his music seems especially well-suited to accompany and enhance visual material.

"Moonrise" opens the album with a wistful little melody in the upper registers of the piano. The piece gradually builds to a majestic climax befitting a spectacular full moon, and then it trails off. "Light in the Window" has an air of mystery about it, and the opening moments almost tiptoe - perhaps trying to see what is going on inside.

"Northern Lights" is a favorite - the melody is simple with an arpeggiated bass line and gentle background synth strings. "Sunshine and Blossoms" is a soft spring breeze carrying the scent of new grass and freshly-opened flowers.

"Voice From the Past" is much more melancholy - the opening theme is rubato and tentative, and then evolves into a classical waltz with an almost Russian feel. The two themes weave in and out very effectively. "A Walk in the Forest" reminds me of some of Robin Spielberg's themes. "Butterfly Waltz" is a light, carefree dance that is as gentle as its title. "Childhood Memories" returns to wistful melancholy. The title track closes out the set with a sweet, flowing conclusion.

Most of the pieces from "A Simple Life" are primarily in the upper registers of the piano, and while each piece stands well on its own, there is a strong continuity to the album. The pieces are all on the slow side, and although the moods and feelings change from song to song, there is nothing jarring or mood-altering. This is a beautiful and satisfying CD.


謝紫君!Brian Crain是我鍾愛的新世紀 pianonist。我collected -marygo- 給 marygo 發送悄悄話 (56 bytes) () 02/20/2010 postreply 17:09:57
