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高原藍 歌詞編輯:紅葉

人都說高原高 人都說高原險 高原上有一片純淨的藍天 人都說高原紅 人都說高原藍

The Plateau Blue People say the plateau is highPeople say the plateau is precipitous.the Plateau above is a pure blue sky People say the plateau is redPeople say the plateau is blue

誰知道高原上那朵藍 她是啊妹的衣衫 人都說高原紅 人都說高原藍 高原上有一張紅紅的笑臉

Who knows that such a lively plateau blue Is my sweetie’s clothesPeople say the plateau is redPeople say the plateau is blue There is a red smiling face on the Plateau

人都說高原美 人都說高原藍 誰知道藍天下那汪泉 她是阿妹的雙眼 呀~拉~唆~~咿~~呀 People say the plateau is beautifulPeople say the plateau is blueWho knows that such a crystal spring water Under the blue sky Is my sweetie’s eyesYa…la…So…Ya……Yi

高原紅啊 高原藍 想念高原上純潔的那一朵藍 天也藍 地也藍 想起啊妹心底暖 人都說高原紅 人都說高原藍 高原上有一張紅紅的笑臉

Oh, the plateau is both red and blueI can’t help missing that so pure a plateau blue The sky is blue and so is the land As I miss my sweetie ,I feel warms in my heartPeople say the plateau is redPeople say the plateau is blueThere is a red smiling face on the plateau

人都說高原美 人都說高原藍 誰知道天下那汪泉 她是阿妹的雙眼 呀~拉~唆~~咿~~呀 高原美啊 高原藍 想念那藍天下清澈的那一雙眼

People say the plateau is beautifulPeople say the plateau is blueWho knows that such a crystal spring water Under the blue sky Is her eyesYa…la…So…Ya……YiOh, the plateau is both beautiful and blue.I miss her clear eyes under the blue sky

天也藍 地也藍 想起啊妹心底甜 高原美呀 高原藍 臉上紅紅的小啊妹 是我心中純淨的高原藍 是我心中純淨的高原藍

The sky is blue and so is the land As I miss her, I feel sweet in my heartThe plateau is beautifulThe plateau is blueOh, my sweetie with rosy red cheeksIs a pure plateau blue in my heart, And is a pure plateau blue in my heart.


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    還是第一次聽[高原藍],謝謝你的翻譯和分享歌曲視頻。 -紫君- 給 紫君 發送悄悄話 紫君 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/05/2010 postreply 11:46:21
