榜樣的力量是無窮的 story of Jerry DAI 來源: 李加陳

榜樣的力量是無窮的 story of Jerry DAI -
來源: 李加陳 於 09-10-09 19:33:18

Story of Jerry DAI

Mr. Jerry DAI, a young Chinese man living and working in Canada, gives hopes to all Chinese overseas students like me that we can master English even though we started our studies abroad older than 12 year old.

His story is amazing and exciting. Jerry immigrated to Canada when he was 20 years old with his parents. He came from Daqing, known for its oil fields and comrade WANG Jingxi, Iron Man.

When he arrived at Canada, his English was very poor. In the first evening after his arrival, when he was watching local TV, he believed that the TV program was French program given Canada is a bilingual country, because he understood nothing.

But, just on basis of such low foundation, he embarked on his marathon toward a English mastering. He chose to learn English by himself since he wanted to help his parents in terms of finances. He used every opportunity to practice English, to imitate, to memory, to correct his pronunciation. Five years later, he became a English teacher in Victoria Training school in Vancouver. His personal experience and achievement were so convincing that many adult Chinese technical immigrants started learning English with him.

I often listen and watch his online open and free lectures given in a perfect English. I really appreciate his efforts and his role model. He sets a good example for all of us in English learning.

Please don’t make mistake here: I never meet him in person, and he doesn’t know me. So I am not paid by him or the Victoria school to make any advertisements.

Some suggest that Jerry is only good at the accent. Except his good accent, his vocabulary is not large and rich enough. He made some grammatical errors from time to time. It is true. And there is still rooms for improvement for him. He may need to continue to lift his proficiency to a new higher level. But no one can deny that, taking into account the fact that he learnt English by himself starting from 20 years old, without studying in any university, it is a quite achievement. Otherwise, we cannot explain why so many postgraduate students, many Chinese IT engineers with Ph.D or master diploma in their pockets, want to pay and learn English after this 29 year old boy( in 2009).

I hope, we hope that more and more Chinese students, both domestic and overseas students can master this important tool as soon as possible in order to overcome this nightmare, this difficult obstacle and enter into a free kingdom.
