謝謝仲夏百合撰寫的簡潔流暢的,《The Joy Luck Club 喜福會》最後章節《A Pair of Tickets》的概述,我帖了電影裏的幾個視頻,和大家分享。
Summary of《A Pair of Tickets》
來源: [ 美語世界 ] 仲夏百合 於 09-10-11 15:01:34
The Joy Luck Club
On her journey, she cooed to the swan, "In America, I will have a daughter just like me. But over there, nobody will say her worth is measured by the loudness of her hu*****ands belch. Over there, nobody will look down on her because I will make her speak only perfect American English. And over there, she will always be too full to swallow any sorrow. She will know my meaning because I will give her this swan, a creature that became more than what was hoped for."
But when she arrived in the new country the immigration officials pulled the swan away from her, leaving the woman fluttering her arms and with only one swan feather for a memory. For a long time now, the women had wanted to give her daughter the single swan feather and tell her; "This feather may look worthless, but it comes from afar and carries with it all my good intentions."
The Joy Luck Club