self同鞋, 您還讓人過不過周末了? :)

來源: lilac09 2009-09-12 17:21:24 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1140 bytes)
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回答: [朗誦]NCE III - 33 難忘的一天lilac092009-09-12 08:15:09
self同鞋, 首先十分感謝您的指教,俺獲益匪淺
"everything" , keep the first e short

"unimportant" "an eye" "an unforeseen" "on a big scale", should all combine the "n" with the vowel following it. e.g. "an eye" should sound like "a neye"
俺知道連讀的事情。俺在聽原聲朗讀時,注意了朗讀者並沒有an eye讀成aneye。是不是隻有在語速比較快時,才連讀。如果講連讀,很多地方都可以連讀 a series of (s+of)也可以連讀

以下的詞,俺細聽也有同感。所以俺又錄了一遍,self同學看看是否俺on the right track?

"control", "tr" sound strange
"number" sounds like "namber"
"prelude", the accent should be at the beginning, n "p"
"Sydney", d was over-emphasized.
"immediately" sound like "immedia l tely"
"hundreds" sound like "handreds"
"behind" sound like "behand"


Much better. That brings out another point -selfselfself- 給 selfselfself 發送悄悄話 (726 bytes) () 09/12/2009 postreply 20:04:26

self同鞋, 俺來discuss, discuss -lilac09- 給 lilac09 發送悄悄話 lilac09 的博客首頁 (1562 bytes) () 09/12/2009 postreply 20:59:08

Don't quite agree, but -selfselfself- 給 selfselfself 發送悄悄話 (301 bytes) () 09/12/2009 postreply 21:15:54

回複:Don't quite agree, but -lilac09- 給 lilac09 發送悄悄話 lilac09 的博客首頁 (679 bytes) () 09/12/2009 postreply 22:05:19

我的體會 -馬奎- 給 馬奎 發送悄悄話 馬奎 的博客首頁 (334 bytes) () 09/13/2009 postreply 07:26:30

See. We have a witness of the benefits of NCE reading. -lilac09- 給 lilac09 發送悄悄話 lilac09 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/13/2009 postreply 13:45:15



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