My son making me a day (To see pictures)

來源: 水波藍影 2009-08-25 13:27:08 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3527 bytes)
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This beautiful, fantastic and colorful cocktail was prepared by my son yesterday. I was very astonished and speechless when I was staring at a glass of cocktail standing on kitchen counter. I asked son what its name is. He told me that he had just developed a new recipe; about the name, he hadn’t given one yet but I could give it a name. I was gazing at a double colour of bright red and golden yellow appeared in the glass, which looked so fresh, distinct, dazzling and attractive, then I simply said without thinking: “Lover, Yes! Call it ‘lover’.”


Definitely, I had being taken photographs of this gorgeous and fabulous cocktail before I enjoyed it. I first tried a little bit, I was shocked and shouting: “Wooow! My god! It tastes so delicious and amazing. ” I immediately asked my son to teach me one day, however, he said with cunning smile: “No, This is a secret.” So next time when he does, I will watch him secretly. 


Please see another shot, the top of the glass of cocktail bellow:





Wow, fantastic cocktail .能幹的兒子,幸福的母親,生動的文章,謝謝分享。 -紫君- 給 紫君 發送悄悄話 紫君 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/25/2009 postreply 13:32:33

鋼琴曲:美酒加咖啡 -紫君- 給 紫君 發送悄悄話 紫君 的博客首頁 (242 bytes) () 08/25/2009 postreply 13:37:41

謝謝你的美言及音樂!紫君MM, 你的名字真好聽。 -水波藍影- 給 水波藍影 發送悄悄話 水波藍影 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/25/2009 postreply 15:56:52

謝謝水波藍影,也喜歡你的名字,充滿了詩情畫意。 -紫君- 給 紫君 發送悄悄話 紫君 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/25/2009 postreply 16:51:29

很漂亮,有口福!俺喜歡猜,胡亂拚了一個recipe, -任我為- 給 任我為 發送悄悄話 任我為 的博客首頁 (608 bytes) () 08/25/2009 postreply 18:33:37

你非常非常滴聰明,盡管不100 % 的都對上好,很可以了。 -水波藍影- 給 水波藍影 發送悄悄話 水波藍影 的博客首頁 (196 bytes) () 08/25/2009 postreply 19:15:26

親愛的波影:能公開你的秘密嗎? -meiyouming- 給 meiyouming 發送悄悄話 (124 bytes) () 08/27/2009 postreply 07:36:08

回複:親愛的波影:能公開你的秘密嗎? -水波藍影- 給 水波藍影 發送悄悄話 水波藍影 的博客首頁 (464 bytes) () 08/28/2009 postreply 11:08:53

對不起,叫錯你名了, 應稱你明MM, 請原諒! -水波藍影- 給 水波藍影 發送悄悄話 水波藍影 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2009 postreply 11:11:34



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