"it was like a fairy tale come true." 謝謝安貝兒,新的一周快樂。

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"We were leaning forward, listening to him, and saying,
"Okay! Okay!" I'll never forget that. We were all over at his house, and it
was like a fairy tale come true listening to this powerful, talented man
tell us we were going to be very big. ""

"She was so wonderful,
mothering us and making us feel right at home. "

" A great showman touches everybody;
that's the real test of greatness and these men have it. "

"I wouldn't trade my memories of those days with my brothers for anything. I
often wish I could relive those days. We were like the seven dwarfs: each of
us was different, each had his own personality. Jackie was the athlete and
the worrier. Tito was the strong, compassionate father figure. He was
totally into cars and loved putting them together and tearing them apart.
Jermaine was the one I was closest to when we were growing up. He was funny and easygoing, and was constantly fooling around. It was Jermaine who put
all those buckets of cold water on the doors of our hotel rooms. Marlon was
and is one of the most determined people I've ever met. He, too, was a real
joker and prankster. He used to be the one who'd always get in trouble in
the early days because he'd be out of step or miss a note, but that was far
from true later."
