地道英語:To Go the Whole Hog 全力以赴(英語聽力)

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A hog is another word for a male pig

地道英語:To Go the Whole Hog 全力以赴(英語聽力)ZT

Jo: I'm Jo, this is BBC Learning English and you're listening to Authentic Real English. With me today is Helen.
Helen: Hi Jo. 地道英語中介紹的一些英語表達, 你可能在英語課堂上學不到,但是它們在生活中卻會經常出現。那今天的新表達是什麽呢 Jo?

Jo: Well today we're going to look at the expression 'to go the whole W.H.O.L.E. hog H.O.G.' A hog is another word for a male pig.

Helen: A hog 的意思是一頭雄豬,這個表達 to go the whole hog 到底是什麽意思呢? 我有點兒迷惑, Jo?

Jo: Well if you 'go the whole hog' it means you do something completely or thoroughly.

Helen: 你的意思是說這個表達的真實含義是完全投入的做某件事,全力以赴。那能舉個例子嗎, Jo?

Jo: So for example, I might be in a restaurant and I might have eaten a starter and a main course.

Helen: 你是說在餐館裏你吃完了頭盤還有正餐。

Jo: And I might be thinking about having a dessert. Well I've already eaten a lot so I might as well 'go the whole hog' and have three courses – just to have a complete meal.

Helen: 雖然你可能已經差不多吃飽了,但是你覺得既然都來了,還不如吃得徹底,把甜點也算上。這種情況下你就可以說 going the whole hog. 這個表達的意思也就是既然已經開頭了,那還不如就執行到底。

Jo: Let's listen to some more examples.


A: So what are you doing for your birthday?

B: Well I was going to have a meal with some friends but there were so many I wanted to invite, I thought I'd just go the whole hog and have a big party at my house!

A: Wow you've bought a lot of things there?

B: Well I bought some shoes and a dress so I thought I might as well go the whole hog and get a new coat as well!

Jo: That's about all we have time for on BBC Learning English today. Shall we go for a coffee Helen?

Helen: I'm quite hungry actually Jo. Shall we just go the whole hog and go for lunch?

Jo: Oh go on then. Don't forget you can learn more Authentic Real English words and expressions by logging on to our website www.bbcchina.com.cn – see you soon.

Helen: 再見!


問好!!Have g good week -娃娃女- 給 娃娃女 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/10/2009 postreply 01:47:24

謝謝娃娃女,周三快樂。 -紫君- 給 紫君 發送悄悄話 紫君 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/10/2009 postreply 07:08:52



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