A bit cynical, but nice calligraphy!


Yep, 梅兄 is theBest! & "I understand the concept of optimism -最西邊的島上- 給 最西邊的島上 發送悄悄話 最西邊的島上 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/28/2025 postreply 09:22:28

but I think withMe what youGet is aLack ofCynicism".TomHanks -最西邊的島上- 給 最西邊的島上 發送悄悄話 最西邊的島上 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/28/2025 postreply 09:23:52

That remark might reap himenough cynicism to last a lifetime -7grizzly- 給 7grizzly 發送悄悄話 7grizzly 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/28/2025 postreply 13:12:22

possibly if he cares :-)) -最西邊的島上- 給 最西邊的島上 發送悄悄話 最西邊的島上 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/28/2025 postreply 14:57:27
