Today is Chinese New Year's Eve, so here comes the spring couplets done by our very own APAD crew, and calligraphed by “ 老梅林 ”兄 (Thanks!):
The first phrase in the spring couplets "上善若水“ or "true goodness is like water" is from 老子《道德經》, meaning true goodness is a quality that benefits others generously and humbly, flowing to where it is needed without actively striving for praise or power.
"無欲則剛“ or "non-covetous people stand upright" is from Confucius《論語》(子曰:'吾未見剛者。'或對曰:'申棖。'子曰:'棖也欲,焉得剛?). This phrase means that if you don't covet or want things that aren't yours, you won't feel the need to please or cater to anyone else, essentially giving you independence and freedom from needing to bend to others' wishes.
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Humble APAD crew: 移花,7G,西島。