來這裏二十多年了。這是我來美國居住的第一個城市也是唯一的一座城市。二十多年裏,我見證了它的安寧,它的開闊, 它兼繁華城市和寧靜鄉村於一體的美麗,也目睹了它的發展,人口的急劇上升,交通的日漸擁擠,農田、果園、草莓地的一一消失,取而代之的一個個新社區新居民樓。。。
今年三月的一個周日,我在右拐時注意到了插在路邊的一個牌子“Future Retail Center“, 就知道這塊地也將不能幸存了。
今日(6/9)見推土機已經就緒,鐵絲網的欄杆上已經用黑布遮住,路邊電子屏幕上不停地閃爍著“XX road will be closed from June 12 to October 23“。 這就要破土動工了。
鍛煉結束後回家的路上,我路經空曠的田野,停下了車,再折身回來,隻為了最後看一眼這片田野。陰鬱的六月天空下,我第一次走了進去,雙腳踏過早已被割草機鏟平如今已經枯萎的荊棘草叢,腦海裏再次浮現去年三月盛開在這片土地上的魯冰花,和今年四月的那一片黃色花海。今年的黃色雛菊花,在魯冰花缺席的情形下,如此排山倒海,如此傾情奉獻,好像知道這將是它們的last show, 好像是在告別這個世界,大有要把芬芳留於世間的架勢。
A vanishing field
Sunday’s group dance gives Em the chance to drive by an open land that adjoins to the park. Em thought that the land would be preserved for good like the open areas in New York’s Central Park that provides city dwellers an escape of squeezed city life. Not until this March, when a billboard suddenly erected by the corner that says “Future Retail Center”, did Em realize that soon this open field, like many others she’d witnessed in the years, will be gone and replaced by more concrete jungles.
On her way home, Em decided to take a walk on the field, as the road would be blocked from June 12 to October 23 for constructions, a roadside digital billboard blinking on with the message. The sun hadn’t come out, a rare June gloom that lingered after May grey in California this year. She stepped for the first time on the field that she used to take pictures from afar, of the blooming purple Lupines or yellow daisies that thickly carpeted and stretched to the end of her sight. But now, hearing the lifeless dried thorny remnants that crushed under her shoes, seeing the bulldozers ready to plow them, Em felt her farewell as blue as the Blue Jacaranda under the downcast sky in the distance.
She felt lucky that she didn’t miss the beauty this field once offered her. From now on, it only lives in her memories, along with the vanished orchid farms, sprawling strawberry fields, or the orange trees that the county is named after.