1. 漢譯英 (直譯或意譯都可以)
“視卒如嬰兒,故可與之赴深溪;視卒如愛子,故可與之俱死。” 選自《孫子兵法》
Thinking of a soldier as your baby,you would jump to the bottom of the valley with him.
Thinking of a soldier as your lovely son,you would like to die with him.
2. 英譯漢
Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.
3. Idiom: On the warpath
Explain the definition of the idiom in Chinese or English, and make a sentence with it.
Example: I would avoid our boss if I were you-he's been on the warpath since he found out we lost our biggest account.
on the warpath:暴跳如雷
He is on the warpath after he fails the driving test again.