My 2 cents:
1. 安省新冠科學顧問研討組的主任說,每天新增大約 10萬出頭的新冠病例。
2. A girls calls up her boyfriend: "If you get there before me, you just wait; If I get there before you, just you wait".
3. Owen 說漏嘴了,這下子“驚喜”什麽的就甭想了。
My 2 cents:
1. 安省新冠科學顧問研討組的主任說,每天新增大約 10萬出頭的新冠病例。
2. A girls calls up her boyfriend: "If you get there before me, you just wait; If I get there before you, just you wait".
3. Owen 說漏嘴了,這下子“驚喜”什麽的就甭想了。
I also want to know
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04/08/2022 postreply
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