
一,漢譯英 (有參考答案)


1. 無論何事,隻要對它有無限的熱情,你就能取得成功。

If you have great passion for something, you’ll always be successful at it.


二,英譯漢 (有參考答案)


1. All time is no time when it is past.



三,成語 (慣用語):理解與造句 Please make a sentence with each idiom OR write down its meaning.


1. “Hit the hay.” 睡覺


Example sentence:


“Sorry, guys, I have to hit the hay now!”



2. “Up in the air” 還沒著落


Example sentence:


“Hey, did you ever figure out those plans?”


“No, they’re still up in the air for now. We’ll figure everything out later.”



哈美好,周末愉快!不晚呀。優秀,獎勵兩朵小紅花:) -忒忒綠- 給 忒忒綠 發送悄悄話 忒忒綠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/31/2021 postreply 14:20:00

謝謝忒忒綠!喜歡這次的題目。:)周末愉快! -Ha65494- 給 Ha65494 發送悄悄話 Ha65494 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/31/2021 postreply 15:18:45

謝謝哈美:) -忒忒綠- 給 忒忒綠 發送悄悄話 忒忒綠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/01/2021 postreply 06:44:00
