If Tomorrow is the Beginning of your Next Life (ZT)
As we breathe in and out, the years wander by.
When we arrive at our destination, will our desire be laid to rest?
With every sunrise - sunset,
our bodies and souls are spent,
On our judgement day,
will our hearts have returned home?
Around us, varous scene act on,
None of them are unfamiliar
We keep searching for a way
to string a broken pearl necklace
to sing a lost note
If tomorrow is the beginning of your next life, how will you spend today?
If tomorrow is the beginning of your next life, how will you spend today?
I will protect life with warmth, and leave a mark on the waves.
I will protect health with inpiration, and bring light to next generation.
本帖於 2021-06-15 18:17:54 時間, 由普通用戶 一荷 編輯
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