Here is my story

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回答: 英文詩【Her Last Hour】天玉之2021-05-31 05:02:32

I was the 1st one approaching the intersection with solid green light. Two lanes roads. with a few cars behind and to the right. I was on the 2nd lane from the sidewalk. A very dim morning with low visibility.

About a few meters to cross. An electrical wheelchair was in my eye corner by the sidewalk, thought he was waiting for the light to cross, but he  jumped on to the road, so fast the next second he was right in front me, dark color, the rider was also in a dark coat without refelecting strips. He was literally blinded in the dark gray asphalt road.

I was at the dead speed limit 60km/h, I braced the brake all the way down to the floor, no way I  could stop the car in 5 meters. ABS brake lowers the braking efficiency, increase brake distance, but doesnt lock steering front wheels allow you to steer in emergency.    Braking and meanwhile steering, the car stopped, just missed him by a hair!

I knew I didn't hit him, I couldn't see how close, he was at the front right corner of the hood. That close!

The guy wakened from day dream, tried to run back to the sidewalk, he had to cross right lane, I knew there was cars on that lane behind me. 

I braced the horn crazy to sound alarm to others

I wasn't even scared, not time, only after I arrived at work, spoke to others , my legs started trembling.
