1. 成功不等於笑到最後,失敗不等於回天乏術,關鍵在於鍥而不舍的勇氣. 2. 生命之終,值得紀念的不是你有多長壽,而是你如何度過這些歲月 3. 生命中最輝煌的不在於從未摔倒過,而在於每次摔倒後都能爬起來 4. There are only two types of people in the world. Take the analogy of eating a string of grapes, some will pick the best to eat first, whilst others will save the best for last. In theory, the first group of people are the optimists, as every grape they eat is the best of the remaining, and the second group are the pessimists, as every grape they eat is the worst of the remaining. However, the reality is opposite as the second group will still have hope, whilst the first group only have memories.