metropolitan, or maybe province, or even nation wide, with constraints of maximum environmental sustainability or proccessing ability. No way to change for individuals, one can pay 50 cents for each addition bags.
Kitchen waste, one bucket ,weekly,
recycable material , weekly , unlimited amount.
Garden waste, seasonally,
Garbage, biweekly , free up to 4 bags, goes to land fill , that 's why it is limited.
英文這些詞也是夠暈的,garbage, scrap, rubbish, waste, trash, rejects, etc. 漢語聽著意思差不多,實際有區別的。
在學校時,有一次來了個訪問學者,聽到他口音之前,他嘴裏冒出了rubbish, 心想這是個外國人, 嗯,蘇格蘭的