because it is good for you to go over this essay again if you truly want to improve your writing. Still you didn't seem to use the auto-speller to get rid of those obvious ones, and you also made some new errors. Anyway, as I promised, I am now trying to correct more errors in the essay. I only picked the obvious and easy-to-correct ones.
In countryside > In the countryside
Preparing field, > preparing the field,
tending cows and horses > tending to cows and horses
certain amount of produce > certain amounts [or a certain amount] of produce
corn grains > corn [or do you mean cornmeal?]
numbers of hours > the number of hours
Officially we were a family of five. My mother, elder sister, younger sister, younger brother, and I. > Officially we were a family of five, my mother, elder sister, younger sister, younger brother, and I.
sufficient amount> a sufficient amount
most of the family > most of the families
devoting to the government’s work > devoting himself to the government’s work
at middle night > in the middle of the night
core ears > corn
from field > from the field
through muddy country road> through the muddy country road
Meat were scarce > Meat was scarce
pork meat > pork
like wedding or funeral > such as weddings or funerals
in Chinese New Year > during the Chinese New Year
was treated with a boiled egg > was treated to a boiled egg
had regular meal > had our regular meal
careful peeling off the egg shell > carefully peeling off the eggshell
biting off the egg bit-by-bit in a slow motion > nibbling at the egg slowly
took the notice > took notice [“take the notice” and “take notice” mean differently]
in the same day > on the same day
three year apart> three years apart
my elder sister and I will > my elder sister and I would
in our own birthdays. >on our own birthdays.
When I was 10-year-old > When I was ten years old
add strains to > add more burden on
But my mother determined to carry the child to the term in hoping it would be a boy. > But my mother decided to carry the child to term in the hope it would be a boy.
believed the principles of communism > believed in the principles of Communism
At times, she became lean and started to worry about the health of the baby inside her.
As time went by, she became so skinny that she started to worry…
lay eggs > laid eggs
public commerce system? Did you mean 供銷社?
He has bright red comb > He had a bright red comb
chicken perch? The word “perch” does not mean an enclosure. So your chickens must be really well-behaved.
in the day > during the day
in early winter > in the early winter
in Kang > on the kang
working on homework > working on our homework
She started the fire in the kitchen > She lighted the wood burning stove in the kitchen
Something seemed bothering yet exciting her. > Something seemed to be bothering yet exciting her.
Communist > Communist
dad would rather die before we kill and eat the rooster that belonged to the production group. > dad would rather die before we could kill and eat the rooster that belonged to the production group.
the pig in its dent > the pig in the pen (pigsty)
in deep sleep > soundly asleep
The rooster struggled silently with her wings swaying up and down > The rooster struggled silently with his wings flapping up and down
She slit off his head? Are you sure that is the way people kill a rooster? From what you described later, I believe you meant she slashed his neck (that’s the common way to kill a rooster and get his blood).
allow blood drip into a bowl > allow its blood to drip into a bowl
She added salt, soy sauce, cinema and a very tiny amount of cooking wine into the pot > cinema???
let the water to boil slowly > let the water simmer
other messes > other mess
we forgot the manner > we forgot the manners
We devoured like hungry wolves > We devoured it like hungry wolves
The door creaked half-open or The door creaked ajar
Do not you even care about your son inside me? > Don’t you even care about your son inside me?
lost at words > lost for words
bursted out: burst out
in wheat field > in the wheat field
core grit > corn grit
a steamed corn bread > a steamed cornmeal bun
book bags > schoolbags
hand sewing a clothe for the baby > sewing some clothes for the baby
We did not spoke > We did not speak
Okay, it's good you have corrected some of them yourself,
I am grateful. I updated the writing.
(992 bytes)
07/25/2015 postreply
More discussion
(3323 bytes)
07/25/2015 postreply
I can't thank you enough!
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07/26/2015 postreply
Nice proof-reading and correction.
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07/26/2015 postreply
Thank you. Let the colors in the text signify my appreciations
(55 bytes)
07/26/2015 postreply