
本帖於 2015-03-10 13:26:54 時間, 由普通用戶 聚曦亭 編輯
回答: 緊急求助各位,先謝了。pacu20152015-03-10 05:35:32

在備考階段,我承受了很大的壓力也遇到了很多困難,但我一直相信苦難是生命的饋贈。 學前教育是一個充滿愛與希望的專業,我會堅持自己所做的選擇,克服困難,盡最大努力去研究

While preparing for the exam, I encountered many difficulties and was nearly stressed out, but because I always believe that hardship is a test of life and pre-school education is a career that can offer love and hope, I decide to go for my choice, overcome the difficulties, and strive to reach my goal.


謝謝梁山好漢,感覺你把原文的目的翻譯的很好 -pacu2015- 給 pacu2015 發送悄悄話 (82 bytes) () 03/10/2015 postreply 21:05:25
