【Transcript (六 )】視頻:《SimonSinek_LoveYourWork》

來源: 淋雨 2014-10-26 09:23:32 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (4108 bytes)
-------- Transcript ---------


It's your responsibilities to help others find theirs and it's others responsibilities to find yours. The amazing thing is that as soon as you start feeling confident of your own ability, you are naturally help each other, that's what happens. It's called trust. In the military, they give medals to people who are willing to sacrifice themselves, so that others may gain. In business, we are willing to give bonuses to people who will sacrifice others, so we may gain. We have it backwards. and then we complain about how we don't love our jobs, we complain how we are suffering, we complain about how budgets are being cut, we complain, complain, complain, and the first thing we do is blaming each other, and become more selfish, and worry about my pay, my benefits, and my,,, this is what happens.

When we are unfulfilled, we look at the metrics and we say is not good enough. When we are fulfilled, we don't care about the metric. This is when you have a job you love, you get a call, it says, offer you tons of money and great benefits, you'll like, I am not interested, i am not interested, eh, eh,,, I am not interested! I am very happy here. "But we will give you more" That's not the reason I am here, I am here because I love it. I am here because I care for the people I work with, and I am here because the people I work with, care for me. This is the world I imagine, this is the world I imagine. and here is the great thing. If you take little risks, i am not talking about big things, little things, you start doing little things for each other, the amazing anthropological response, is other people will start doing little things for others too.

I was walking down the street, two days ago, and a guy's backpack was opened at all and a whole bunch of paper fall out as I was walking down the street, and I happened to be behind him, so my friend and I just sort of, we were in the mid of conversation, in the mid of conversation, we never even stop talking, we just bend down, sort of help him gather those papers, hand them back to him, sort of pointed out that's a bad book bag, which was bad bag on zip, and he says thanks and we walked out. I was like, no big deal. Right? We get to the end of the street, we stand, we were waiting to across the street, we were still talking, we haven't stop talking.

And the guy in front of us, turns to us, and says, I saw you helped that guy. That was really cool. But here is what great about that. The guy would go, do something for someone else, simply because he saw us bend down pick up paper for someone else. He will actually do something for someone else because of it. Right? He won't give to charity because he sees me to put a dollar in a cup, but he will actually help someone, because he saw someone also help someone. Little thing hold the door open for someone, say thank you to the person who hold the door for you, smile to the barista, little little things.

You know, put your foot in the subway when the door is closing, so someone who was running will make it. Hit the open at the elevator. Don't go, (^.#), or pretend you didn't see. That's the best one. You know, oh, i didn't wake up,,,wouldn't if I saw,,, sorry, right? Do it. A little time and a little energy, and you'll find round work, and people will get a little time, and a little energy, back to you and you will give a little more time and a little more energy. You go for a coffee with someone, then you go for two hour coffee, and you go for coffee in a lunch, and you go for lunch in a dinner, and you go for dinner in a movie, and then you sleep over, you sleep over for two nights, then you go for a holiday together, and eventually you get married. Right? It's slow, it takes time, and we can't rush it.You know, If we rush it, it's all fake.


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