【Transcript (三 )】視頻:《SimonSinek_LoveYourWork》

來源: 淋雨 2014-10-24 12:36:15 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (4328 bytes)


-------- Transcript ---------

We would put ourselves great risks for our companies, if we knew that our company put the great risk, for us, but they don't! So we don't. Now one of the things remarkable, about the marines, and if you go read, you know, this is the most,,,i ask these young, and they are 21 & 22 years old young, some of these, lance corporal, the grants, you know, the guy the infantry, this is the lowest low, once we actually send them to battle to front lines. I asked them, "Are you misunderstood an American?" They said "yes", unanimously, they all nodded. I said, "What do people think of you?". One stood up and said, "they think we are baby killers." I said, "how does it feel?" He says it hurts.

And I said," well, tell me a story then, the captures to you what it means to be a marine, the feeling being a marine. Tell me a story that captures it." and I expected to hear stories of "I took a hit and somebody saved me", or "I run into a fire if I can pull somebody". I expected the stories of heroism, not a single story like that came out. Now I am sure the story exists. Those are the stories they told me. They capture what it means to be a marine. One of the stories they told me was a young boy in Afghanistan who come around every morning and sell kebabs to the marines, and then one day, he showed up he was all bitten up, and he didn't go to his parents for help, he didn't go to his friends for help. He came to the marines for help, because he trusted them more than anyone else. They told me a story that captured how they feel about a SA Village that overrun by a Taliban, and the residents of the village couldn't go home because they will killed by the Taliban, so were they just living by the river.

The problem was, winter was coming. One of the, eh, elders came to the marines, knock on the door and said, " I need you to come down to the river and kill us", and the marine says, "what are you talking about?" " If we go back home, we will be killed by the the Taliban; if we stay out there, we gonna die slow death throughout the winter. It's easier if you come and kill us, please! The marines overrun the Taliban village , pushed the Taliban out. A year later, they went back to this village and people were playing volleyball.

These were the stories they'v told me that capture what it means, to be a marine. They believe in doing good for others, and the fulfilment, they get when they put themselves at risks so that others may prevail, is overwhelming. This is not unique to the marine core, this is all human beings. The feeling of fulfilment comes from doing something for another. The feeling from fulfilment comes from the exertion of time, and energy, for someone else.

If you are walking to work, and you throw a few pennies in a cup. You come to work and you say to your friends, Hey guys, I gave a dollar to someone homeless this morning. What your friends gonna to say? "Yeh, good" Right? "I gave 20 bucks to someone homeless." They will be like "good for you". Right? What if you come in the morning, you say, hey I gave up my Saturday and went to paint the school in the city? People go, "Wow, cool, wow, cool". And all the sudden, not only they inspire to do something good themselves, but the feeling that you have, persists. The amazing thing is that when we do good for others, that actually inspires others to do good for others. This is provided for us, primatologically (* He created a verb by himself) , anthropologically. It is a pull apart of the survival of the species, you know, sexes feel good, so they will do it, so we can procreate and perpetuate the species, but we are social animals, and so we have to provide the fact that we will maintain the strong bonds and build cultures, right? because that's what humans do. We are cultural animals. So when we do good for others, we look out for those in our tribe, we look out in our group, it actually feels good, Biologically, releases oxytocin.


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