Here is my version of the translation of your poem. It is all a

本帖於 2013-11-19 21:27:36 時間, 由普通用戶 ~葉子~ 編輯
回答: 寒衣節的母親/Mom on Warm Clothing DayLucidus2013-11-19 15:21:18

When you translate a poem, feelings are more important than words. So you only need to express the same feeling, no need to thanslate each word.  I hope this helps.

When I was little
My mom said
A pot of clear water next to my bed at night
Will recall my loved ones from heaven

I did what my mom told me
But she never showed up
I moved my bed to the window
She still didn’t come back

Oh, maybe my mom will be back
when the moon and the stars hide
not mention the annoying city light

With all windows covered
I prayed for the night to come
I saw my mom in front of me
But she is gone when my eyes opened

Maybe Mom will return to her hometown?
Let me follow you to your old house
Sleep on the bed where you had me
Put on the cloth with your smell on it

The same dark night as before
The same silence as in my memory
Mom, is this your night?

I am calling you deep in my heart

Come back

Your son is right here waiting!



