說這首歌是講poppy flowers也有一定的道理。看這裏哈:
"Windflowers is a song about poppy flowers.Among them is the famous Papaver somniferum, also known as opium poppy.Poppy flowers are beauitful flowers and gardened as ornametal flowers in Egypt 5000 years ago.
The song is originally performed by Seals & Crofts. This is a rearranged version performed and recorded by Derek Li at home for fun."
你要是和drug聯係起來一想,就會覺得有些歌詞也很make sense呢。hiahia.比如
“my father told me not to
go near them
he feared them always
said they carried him away”
我覺得其實挺有意思的,有些象是關於歌曲Puff the Magic Dragon的解釋,有些人也覺得有drug references。電影Meet The Parents裏這段很有趣: