
回答: *=*=* 《每日一句漢譯英》 *=*=*EnLearner2012-09-02 15:58:01




Chinese officials faced with public controversies in the era of social media have tended to choose one of two strategies: 1) say nothing; or 2) have the local government issue a comically murky statement on their behalf that essentially says nothing.

com·i·cal /ˈkɑ:mɪkəl/ adjective

[more comical; most comical] : causing laughter especially by being unusual or unexpected
▪ a comical performance
▪ I must have looked comical in that big hat.
▪ The way they argue is almost comical.
▪ There's nothing comical [=funny] about someone getting hurt.
— com·i·cal·lyadverb
▪ comically inappropriate remarks

murky /ˈmɚki/ adjective
murk·i·er; murk·i·est
1 a: very dark or foggy
▪ murky skies
▪ She peered into one of the church's murky chapels.
bof a liquid: not clear :cloudy
▪ the lake's murky water

2 a: not clearly expressed or understood
▪ He offered a murky [=vague] explanation.
▪ Her employment history is somewhat murky. [=unclear]
b: involving dishonest or illegal activities that are not clearly known
▪ a politician with a murky past




