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A day later the sun would come closer to her and to the others on this side of the world, ---這句不懂。 先謝過指教!

This is excerpt from Yiyun Li’s novel “The Vagrants” – 這一天顧老師的女兒要以反革命罪被處決。

The day started before sunrise, on March 21, 1979, when Teacher Gu woke up and found his wife sobbing quietly into her blanket. A day of equality it was, or so it had occurred to Teacher Gu many times when he had pondered the date, the spring equinox, and again the thought came to him: Their daughter’s life would end on this day, when neither the sun nor its shadow reigned. 1979321號,那天顧老師起了個大早,當他起床之際發現他妻子在被窩裏無聲地哭泣。是日正值春分,顧老師曾經無數次沉思這春分之日。那個想法再一次紛至遝來:他們女兒的生命將在那天嘎然而止,不管那天的太陽或其影子是否統治這個世界。。。

