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回答: *=*=* 《每日一句漢譯英》 *=*=*EnLearner2012-08-08 20:40:46

作為泳池中距離最長的比賽,1,500米自由泳是考驗選手耐力的一塊試金石。孫楊此次打破了自己去年在世界遊泳錦標賽上創造的143414的世界紀錄。在去年的世界錦標賽上,孫楊打破了澳大利亞遊泳名將哈克特(Grant Hackett)保持了10年之久的紀.

As a longest distance game in a pool, 1500 freestyle swimming is a touchstone on endurance of athletes. Sun Yang made a new record of his own and has renewed his record of 14’34”14 last year at the World Swimming Championships, where he also broke the 10-year-record maintained by an Australia swimmer Grant Hackett.
