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回答: *=*=* 《每日一句漢譯英》 *=*=*EnLearner2012-06-18 20:12:49

過去15年間,中國已飛速發展成為全球製造業強國之一,幾乎所有大型外國公司都已在中國建立業務。中國製造業不再僅限於生產用於出口的廉價基礎部件,而是將主要精力投在生產精密產品和滿足快速增長的國內需求上。Last 15 years witnessed the change that China turned itself into one of the most powerful manufacturing nations in the world. Nearly all major foreign companies have business in China. The Chinese companies are no longer to produce cheap parts for export alone. They are now investing in delicate products to meet the rapidly growing domestic needs.
