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回答: *=*=* 《每日一句漢譯英》 *=*=*EnLearner2012-06-07 20:09:10

據研究機構IHS iSuppli稱,諾基亞Lumia 900的零部件成本為209美元,而一部與之類似的16G iPhone 4S的零部件成本為190美元。在不附帶手機套餐的情況下,Lumia 900的售價為450美元,而16G的iPhone 4S為649美元。

Based on rearch firm IHS iSuppli, the parts cost for Nokia Lumia 900 is 209 dollars, and the similar 16G iPhone 4S is 190 dollars while their sale prices are 450 dolalrs and 649 dollars respectively, which not including the package.
