《白雪公主與獵人》(Snow White and the Huntsman)在上周末的北美票房榜上看到了一個“圓滿的結局”:早期票房估計顯示,這部改編自經典童話的影片在美國和加拿大收獲了5,630萬美元的票房成績。
'Snow White and the Huntsman' found a happy ending at the box office over the weekend, earning the gritty fairy tale retelling a healthy $56.3 million in the U.S. and Canada, according to early studio estimates.
grit·ti·er; grit·ti·est
[also more gritty; most gritty] 1: containing very small pieces of sand or stone : containing grit
▪ gritty vegetables
2informal: having or showing a lot of courage and determination
▪ the story's gritty heroine
▪ I admire her gritty determination to succeed.
3: harsh and unpleasant
▪ The book describes the gritty realities of life on the streets.
▪ He gave us all of the gritty details of his divorce.
— see also nitty-gritty
nit·ty–grit·ty /ˈnɪtiˌgrɪti/noun
the nitty-gritty
informal: the most important and basic facts or details about something
▪ He deals with the nitty-gritty of running the department.
▪ We finally got down to the nitty-gritty of the problem.
▪ Let's get down to the nitty-gritty and find out what happened.