上聯:說實話辦實事一身正氣,下聯:不貪汙不受賄兩袖清風 橫批:查無此人
Upper half of distich:
Rectitude practiced in every word uttered and every deed performed
Lower half of distich:
Chastity embraced no thievery attempted and no bribery accepted
Cross banner:
There exists no such man
Upper half of distich:
Alone last year, still alone this year, doomed to remain alone next year.
Lower half of distich:
Work-mate betaken, Class-mate betaken, destined to betaken all my playmates.
Cross banner:
I am single
老外們在考漢語考試。據說有這樣的聽力 :你的牙真好看! 哦,那是假的。 啊,真的假的? 真的。 問:牙是真的還是假的
It is said that the following listening comprehension test was given to foreigners: You have beautiful teeth! Ah, those are false ones. Oh, really? Really! Question: are the teeth real or not?