Their stories belie two myths about China in Africa: that it’s all about commodities, and that China moves as one.
be·lie (b-l)
tr.v. be·lied, be·ly·ing, be·lies
1. To give a false representation to; misrepresent: "He spoke roughly in order to belie his air of gentility" (James Joyce).
2. To show to be false; contradict: Their laughter belied their outward grief.
com·mod·i·ty /kəˈmɑ:dəti/ noun
plural com·mod·i·ties
[count] 1: something that is bought and sold
▪ agricultural commodities like grain and corn
▪ Oil is a commodity in high demand.
▪ commodity prices
2: something or someone that is useful or valued
▪ Patience is a rare commodity
▪ an actor who is a hot commodity [=who is very popular] in Hollywood right now