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回答: *=*=* 《每日一句漢譯英》 *=*=*EnLearner2012-05-21 19:54:35




Yahoo says it will sell about half of its stake in Alibaba, China's largest e-commerce provider, back to the Chinese company for $7.1 billion.


stake /ˈsteɪk/ noun

plural stakes

1 [count] : a pointed stick or post that is pushed into the ground especially to mark a place or to support something
2 the stake: a post that a person was tied to and burned on in the past as a form of punishment
▪ Joan of Arc was burned at the stake.
3 stakes [plural] : something (such as money) that you could win or lose in a game, contest, etc.
▪ a poker game with high stakes
▪ The stakes are too high/low/big.
4 [count] a: an interest or share in a business
▪ They have a stake in the company. [=they own part of the company]
▪ a majority stake
b: an interest or degree of involvement in something
▪ We all have a stake in the health of our economy. [=the health of our economy affects us all]


