*=*=* 《每日一句漢譯英參考答案》 *=*=*

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回答: *=*=* 《每日一句漢譯英》 *=*=*EnLearner2012-05-17 19:37:58





Graduating college students face a mixed job market at best this year, and most will leave school without an offer in hand, despite an uptick in hiring by on-campus recruiters.

up·tick /ˈʌpˌtɪk/ noun

plural up·ticks

[count] US: a small increase or rise — often + in an uptick in sales/hiring
mixed /ˈmɪkst/ adjective
1always used before a noun: made of different kinds of things mixed together or combined
a can of mixed nuts bags of mixed candy We ate salads of mixed greens.
2 a: including or involving people of different races or religions
They live in a mixed neighborhood. She's of mixed African and European ancestry. children of mixed race/races people of mixed racial origin/ancestry a racially mixed couple
b: including or involving people of both sexes
She went to a mixed school. [=a school for both boys and girls] a mixed chorus playing mixed doubles in tennis [=a game of doubles in which each team has a man and a woman] When people are in mixed company, they are with both men and women.
The women never spoke of sex or pregnancy in mixed company. [=when men were present]
3: both good and bad, favorable and unfavorable, etc.
The play received mixed reviews. = The play's reviews were mixed. [=some critics liked the play, while other critics did not] His decision got a mixed reaction from the family. The experiment got mixed results. When people have mixed emotions or mixed feelings about something, they have both good and bad thoughts or feelings about it.
He had mixed emotions [=he was both happy and sad] about the end of his trip. I'm having mixed feelings about this class.
mixed messages/signals
Someone gives mixed messages or mixed signals by showing a thought or feeling and then showing another very different thought or feeling.
I don't know if he likes me; he keeps giving me mixed messages. She's sending mixed signals about her feelings.


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