聲姐讀得好!flashfood 的重讀應該是flash,不是food。因為它是複合名詞。

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回答: VOA 朗讀,歡迎磚頭。NewVoice2012-05-11 06:01:37

This is the VOA Special English Technology Report.

Last week we reported on Microsoft Corporation’s Imagine Cup finals in the United States. Team FlashFood (重讀應該是flash,不是food,因為是複合名詞)from Arizona State University won top honors at the event. Its mobile application and website lets hotels, restaurants and farmers markets donate food to people who need it.

The FlashFood project grew out of the Engineering Projects in Community Service program at Arizona State. The director of the program, Richard Filley, says the project has far-reaching possibilities. Mr. Filley plans to work with the team to decide what changes are necessary to make the product successful in other countries. For example, he notes a method of saving uneaten food, commonly called a doggie bag.

